
·         Date of piece

·         Author/Artist

·         Title

·         Location



·         Why piece was created

·         Symbols/images that are significant or important in piece

·         Mood/emotions portrayed in piece

·         For art examples: colour/style/shapes


Connection to Central Idea:

·         Give evidence about how piece connects to our central idea and lines of inquiry


Personal Connection:

·         Why you chose the piece to put in your summative assessment

·         Background experience with piece – studied before, family importance, your own cultural connection etc.


We discussed examples that students were considering choosing such as:

Picasso’s Guernica – anti-war painting

Emily Carr’s nature paintings

Geogia O’Keefe

Leonardo da Vinci

Van Gogh’s work

Frida Kahlo’s work

Anne Frank’s Diary

Your INS Novels

Qi Baishi’s Chinese paintings

Monet’s work

M.C. Escher’s work


Movies and Songs:

We also decided one movie and one song could be used as an example for art as long as you could connect it to our central idea and write a detailed paragraph about it. Choosing the movie Chainsaw Massacre or a Britney Spear’s song would NOT be smart choices, but choosing other powerful movies or song lyrics that you have thought about and have a connection to would be acceptable.


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